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Squirrel Scramble

  • Buck U Distillery 3970 Tennessee Road Ottawa, KS, 66067 United States (map)

Veterans Outdoors Foundation Squirrel Scramble is being host by Buck U Distillery on February 11-12, 2022 in Ottawa, KS.

February 11 - Registration/Drawing for squirrel combo and rules 6PM-8PM

February 12 - Weigh in at 2PM

2 Person Teams
Registration fee - $50/team
60/40 Payout
Adult and Youth Divisions (Youth division is one adult and up to two youths)
.22, pellet rigle or 17 HMR firearms only in adult division
Shotguns are allow for youth division only
Winner will be determined by weight, ties broken by number of males then headshots

Blueshed Gun Shop donated 2 Rossi Gallery .22LR for the top 2 placing youths

January 28

Coyote Calling Tournament

March 11

Queen of Heart's Raffle